Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Dying with honor

"When Pelopidas, as the result of his valor in marching against the enemy of his city, was slain, when the battle was over and the victory won, those who fought beside Pelopidas would not take off their armor, nor unbridle their horses, or bind up their wounds until they had piled around his body the spoils of their enemy, and in token of the genuineness of their grief, cut off the manes of their horses and the hair of their own heads. Throughout the camp there prevailed a melancholy silence, as though they had been defeated instead of being victorious. This was indeed to die with honor." Author unknown

Here is a little detail about his last battle - In 367 BC Pelopidas went on an embassy to the Persian king and induced him to prescribe a settlement of Greece according to the wishes of the Thebans. In 364 BC he received another appeal from the Thessalian towns against Alexander of Pherae. Though an eclipse of the sun prevented his bringing with him more than a handful of troops, he overthrew the tyrant's far superior force on the ridge of Cynoscephalae. However, wishing to slay Alexander with his own hand, he rushed forward too eagerly and was cut down by the tyrant’s guards.

When I read stories like this, of valor, courage and zeal to protect, I'm inspired to be more, do more and when the grave calls, hopefully die with some degree of honor.


Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hello Fred,

Very interesting story. Pelopidas sis a great leader who is to be admired for his valor.

It is amazing that you find time to delve deep into ancient stories like this for encouragement and motivation.

Best wishes

FCB said...

I search for these things as for gold; they help inspire me to be a better person and hopefully encourage others as well.
God bless.